Monday Motivation - Strength.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Good Morning lovelies! 

(Made by myself)

Now the past week has been a bit of a struggle to say the least. We have received bad news, after bad news and to be totally honest it was really beginning to take it's toll on me. I was struggling. I won't go into too much detail but I will simple say there has been anxiety, a 999 emergency, rejection and breakdown and it was all too much at once. Now even with this all going on in my family life I found myself worrying about my blog and my YouTube channel because I hadn't filmed, written, uploaded or posted this week and I was stressed. After a few words with myself and a few lovely fellow bloggers I realised I need to get a grip of myself, get up, dust myself off and carry on. I am strong, I can do this. 

Now this is brings me on to this post (I am not usually one for giving motivational advice - I can't motivate myself!)

Basically, when something bad happens you can sit crying about it, trying to work it all out and just feeling down right sorry for yourself but what does that achieve? You make yourself feel worse and nothing gets resolved. Now understandably, not everything can be resolved but there is still no use in moping. Take an opportunity to regroup and get yourself back fighting more than you were before. Be positive, see a new month/week/day as an opportunity to start a fresh, leave your worries behind and hope for a better chance next time! 

After all, sitting around thinking of bad things that have happened is only dragging them out and making their negativity last longer! If it's something you can resolve - sort yourself out and come back twice as strong as before and if it cannot be resolved - at least give yourself the praise you deserve. You are strong - you can get through this!

So what I'm saying is, this is me hoping for a better week next week and the same for you too. We are strong.


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