Recap of the Year 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

As some of you may remember, this time last year I did a post entitled 'Recap of the Year 2014' and I really enjoyed writing it as a reminder to myself of all the wonderful things I had experienced that year. It's also been really nice to look back on those memories on tough days so I have decided I will do the same for the year 2015. Can you believe that 2016 is just around the corner?!

So as I mentioned last year, often when it comes to this time of the year people focus on the 'new year, new start' and only think about the amazing things they have planned for the year ahead. Which of course is exciting but sometimes it's good to reflect on the things you've done this past year and note the achievements you have made and give yourself a bit of (often needed) credit!

I can't lie to you and say 2015 has been amazing because in short, it hasn't. 2015 has been an awful year pretty much from start to finish but for my own sanity I know I need to reflect on some of the positive things that I have experienced. I know now before I even start to create my list, that most if not all of the amazing things that have happened to me have been related to blogging. For that I'm so thankful.

- Family Holiday to Bristol -

As we haven't (and still aren't) in a position to go abroad, this year we took a little trip to visit relatives in Bristol. It was really nice to get away from where we live for a few days and was nice to see everyone. We're not sure when we are able to go on holiday next so we really made the most of it by visiting the zoo and a few different tourist type places around the city.

- Blogging Event #1 - #HBAlPorto -

After seeing multiple people on my Twitter feed talking about a Hull Bloggers meet up I started getting curious. I hadn't been blogging long and I didn't know anyone but the girls all assured me I would be happy and comfortable in no time so I booked my place and took a chance. This has turned out to be one of the best decisions I made this year as I have made so many amazing friends and my confidence has grown so much! Not only that but I have created bonds with brands and PR companies following the event and the event itself was fab!

- Working with Primula -

After the #HBAlPorto event (they had gifted us all with some Primula for our goodie bags) I was lucky enough to be contacted by Primulas PR company OPR to work with them on a Halloween post. For me this was amazing enough as it was my first ever PR experience but that's not where it ends - not long after I was contacted again to say that they really loved my post and they wanted to work with me again on a project called the Primula Blogger Club. This means I am currently working with them and will be until April! It was really amazing to know I'd done them proud and that they wanted to work with me some more and I can't wait to continue working with them!

- Reaching 200 Followers - 

My little blog reached 200 followers in November and although it's not huge to some people it's massive for me. I never imagined I'd get as many of 5 followers let alone 200 and I'm so grateful everyday! My blog has been my getaway this year so it's definitely rewarding knowing my hard work has been paying off.

- Blogging Event #2 - #WrenFamilyFavourites -

When an email dropped into my inbox from the PR Company Branded3 I actually read it a few times to make sure it wasn't a joke and then did a little squeal! The amazing Linda Barker was hosting the event and there were lots of familiar faces there from the #HBAlPorto event I had visited earlier in the year. The whole evening was really amazing and once again it made me step out of my comfort zone and squash my anxiety that little bit more! I was so proud of myself and it's a night I will always remember!

So that's some of the biggest achievements and memories that I have experienced this past year. Let me know what have you done this year that was fun/a great achievement!

Happy New Year and I wish you all the health and happiness for 2016. 
Thank you for your continued support. Let's make 2016 the best one yet! 

Jordan xx


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