Back to Basics with Primula Cheese

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Well today's post is the last Primula post as part of the Primula Blogger Club and I thought it was the perfect time to take it back to basics with a good old sandwich. I'm actually using a previous one of my recipes in a bit of a different way so please let me know what you think!

 Ingredients and tools you will need:
- Primula (Light) (about half of a tube)
- Wafer Thin Ham (a couple of slices)
- Spring Onions (a few)
- Bread/Wrap/Pitta (your choice)
- Bowl
- Knife
- Spoon or Fork
I've also decided that with this post, in an attempt to not insult your intelligence, I won't do a step by step recipe as after all, it's a sandwich. So, in short!

Cut the spring onions and the ham as finely as possible then just pop this into a bowl. Add half a tube of your Primula Cheese and give it a good mix! Prepare the base of your sandwich however necessary (toast your pitta, butter your bread, slice your bun) and then simply add your cheesy mixture! Yum!

So here are the finished sandwiches! I went for a sandwich thin and my mum went for a seeded roll. This sandwich filler made with Primula Cheese was really yummy and definitely something I would have again! Let me know, how would you use your Primula?

Information regarding all Primula products mentioned in this post, such as nutritional information can be found at the following link as usual:
Primula Cheese -

Primula is the perfect fridge staple and perfect for putting into a recipe to create something amazing! There are more recipes available for you to try over on the Primula website. If you fancy a bit more than just a sandwich why not use Primula to create a yummy meal?

Real Cheese, Real Character

If you liked this post, you may also like - Puff Pastry Bunnies

Disclaimer: This post is/was in collaboration with Primula and the Primula Blogger Programme who kindly sent me Primula Products from the range to create this post with! This post is a sponsored post through said Primula Blogger Programme, however, all opinions are my own. Any questions - please feel free to ask either below or by email/Twitter.


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