My Perfect Pamper

Friday, August 25, 2017

Now I don't know about you but once every so often all I need is a night alone full of pampering and relaxation. Pure undisturbed bliss. I thought I'd let you in on how those relaxing evenings go and share some of my all time favourite pamper products.

First up, bath time. Not any old bath product will do though Oh no. Lush! Everytime.

Lush products used for this particular pamper sesh were the Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar and Northern Lights Bath Bomb. Now I know these aren't retailed all year round but I'm telling you now - when they are, you know it's going to be a good bath! I really wish I'd have stocked up on Unicorn Horn's as they're my all time favourite!

Bubble bar first while the water is running and then once it was as full as I wanted I popped in the bath bomb. This one is one of my favourites as it's so vibrant and colourful!

Soggy Moggy bath plug - standard!

Right, now I'm in the bath it's Face Mask time. Here I'm using one from the brand Anatomicals. I've used a few different variations of face mask from this brand and love them! Admittingly this one isn't my favourite as I like the chocolate one the best but it was still pretty good! (Post on Anatomicals coming soon then yea?)

So the face mask is on, and I'm ready to relax. Next up - actually getting clean. Soap and Glory are my go to products (admittingly only when I'm treating myself or as a gift) as they smell amazing and leave my skin feeling even better!
Here I used Scrub of Your Life first and then the Clean On Me shower cream afterwards (as well as for shaving).

Washed, soaked and dried. Time to put some more moisture in that skin! As I mentioned above, Soap and Glory smell amazing so I didn't have to think twice about sealing the amazing scent in with a moisturiser. Here I used their Righteous Butter which is really thick and creamy but doesn't leave the skin feeling heavy or tacky.

Then I'd pretty much whack my pj's on and snuggle up in bed! Party animal right?

Let me know what products you would use in your perfect pamper evening! Maybe there's something amazing that I'm missing out on!

Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own. Anatomicals kindly sent me the face mask as part as a PR package but everything else featured was purchased with my own money.


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