The Little Things

Friday, October 26, 2018

Sometimes it takes something extravagant like some bad news to make you realise the important things in life. Those little things that you don't always appreciate even though they actually mean the most. For me, recently it's been the tiniest thing that has me appreciating the smaller things in life - the fact I've had an on and off cold for approx. 5 weeks. I know right, but I've honestly felt so down and I needed a little reality check about all the amazing things in my life.

We all know social media can perceive life a lot differently for how it actually is. People are quick to document the extreme lovely moments in their lives but not so quick to air the bad times, of course we've all been guilty of it at sometime. For example - photograph the lovely gifts their partner has bought them and make out they're as happy they can be when deep down they're in a bad place. Show off luxury items when they're in copious amounts of debt. Every now and then, though, we need to sit back and appreciate the real meaningful things in life. The little things.

Mine this week
  • My favourite chocolates on a sick day
  • Snuggles when they're needed most
  • Long hot bubble baths
  • Cat cuddles
  • Moving the living room around

Just 5 small things that have put a smile on my face this week, when I really needed it most. No matter how small they are. Something I think we all need to think about and appreciate more often. So, today I challenge you - can you name just three of the little things that have put a smile on your face this month?


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