Sunday, July 9, 2023

There’s only so many times I can type out a first sentence and delete it trying to find the perfect way to come back after all this time and I’m not even sure there is one. 

So, we’ll just start like this. Hi, long time no see. How you doing?

I’m not quite sure what happened but it appears I accidentally took a 2 and 1/2 year break. Well, I say I’m not sure what happened - a lot has changed around here. Which is why, although I’m back, I’m back with new branding - with hopes it can reflect all the changes and give us a fresh start around here. 

I appreciate 950 days may be a few too many for people to still be hanging around waiting for a new post but none the less, for anyone who did used to check in, I thought I’d do a little update and, for anyone who’s new, I thought it might be a nice little introduction. 

So, I’m back, and no longer under jordancourtney.co.uk (which, if you didn’t already know, is my name) - if you scroll through the archives you’ll see I left a few unfinished ‘stories’ but I promise, in time, you’ll know all the deets. For now though, let’s keep it brief. The last couple of years have been a whirlwind and not much is the same as it was when I left. The main two being, we are no longer on a TTC journey and we no longer live in South Yorkshire - which has everything to do with each other. If we take it right back to where we left off, 2021 started pretty horrendously as we unexpectedly lost my nanna in January, it was a sad year for loss we also lost our beloved family pet Bailey who left us in June that year too. We endured 4 long infertility treatments during the same year (more to follow) all during the period of mask wearing and no mingling indoors and I think it’s safe to say I spent most of 2021 crying. However, with that being said, 2021 is also the year we were blessed with pregnancy as in August 2021 we were told we were expecting TWINS. Which leads us to the last year and a half, where after a traumatic pregnancy and birth, our babies are thriving and we made the (not so) big move back to East Yorkshire to be closer to family. After 9 months postpartum, I started a new job and life is now steadily chugging along filled with routine and two sets of everything.

I can’t promise how often I’ll be here but what I will say is I’m so happy to be back. 


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