Shoe Collection - Heels

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Today I thought I would share a section of my shoe collection for anyone that may be interested. I've seen a few people do YouTube videos similar and I really enjoy watching them myself. 
Let's have a look!

Tan Suede Platform Boots - Pretty Little Thing - £35 (gift)
Oh Beautiful, Beautiful Boot. I adore these! A gift for christmas a couple of years ago. Rather comfortable I must say. I have worn these once or twice and finished the evenings with no blisters at all. They look amazing with skinny jeans and pretty much any top and can be glammed up or worn more casual!

Navy Blue Cork Heel Wedges - Office - Price Unknown (Gift)
A christmas gift a few years ago. Unfortunately, a pair I haven't yet had chance to wear. Very nice for summer though and I can't wait to wear them eventually!

Black Cross Strap Boots - New Look - (Gift)
These are the boots I longed for when everyone went through a heeled boot craze. I wanted something with a bit of height and very plain. My mum treat me and I was ecstatic. Now I hate to admit this but I have worn them only once and could have literally cried in pain. They blistered the sole of my foot and I could put money on the fact it's due to the shape of the sole, heel to toe. As there isn't much of a platform at the front and there is such a heel, my foot sits in an unnatural position. So painful.

Grey Suede Studded Heels - New Look - £10 (Sale)
My all time comfiest pair of heels. I have had these years now (as you can probably tell by the scuff marks on the front and the various missing stones) but I just can not throw them away when they are so comfortable. These are great to wear with skinny jeans and a blouse or a dress and the grey colour makes them easy to wear with anything. I just wish they were still available. 

Beige Ankle Chain Heels - Spot On - £19.99
These I bought to wear with a black dress with a beige belt for a wedding evening do and they looked really nice in my opinion. Again, these are one of the comfier options. By the end of the night my feet do tend to feel a little sore but nothing major. They are also pretty neutral so they are easy to pair with a number of outfits. A pretty good deal for the price!

Tan Suede Zip Detail Heels - Spot On - £19.99
These were an impulse buy I must admit. Not one of my favourite pairs and I haven't even worn them yet. *oops*

Klarissa  - Kurt Geiger - £140
A gift to myself, from myself. I bought these on my 18th birthday with the money that was gifted to me and I'm really happy I did. I have only worn these a couple of times but I managed all night wearing them and even got home with zero blisters. They have a very soft cushioning on the platform which makes them a dream to walk in and the chunky heel keeps them pretty sturdy. (I did cockle once but who needs to know)

Sugar Hiccup - Iron Fist - £69.95
Very beautiful, Very uncomfortable. I originally bought these for prom and wore them for all of an hour before taking them off and walking barefooted. I have tried to wear them since on a night out and pretty much broke my ankle trying to walk home in them. As a fairly tall girl as it is I just think they are a bit too high for me to function in. So beautiful though *swoons*.

Links are attached to any shoes which can still be purchased online. Let me know what you think of the selection!

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way and all items were purchased with my own money or given as gifts from family members/friends.


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