Fresh Start

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Here she goes again with another blog post, just that little bit too late and full to the brim with apologies. I hold my hands up, I've been slack. Fresh start?

Looking back, I can see that my last actual blog post was January. As well as meaning that I'm darn right lazy, this also means I have a lot to catch you up on. After all, a lot can happen in 7 months.

First things first, I'd just like to mention that back in May my Grandad passed away. It was expected as such but we had also been told in December he had days to live so it was also partially a bit of a shock. Irregardless, it hit me hard. My amazing Gramps, just 60-something years old is no longer in my life and I couldn't be more heartbroken.

From here on in, I promise no more sad stories!

At the back end of July my partner passed his driving test! Second time round but I 100% think it made him more appreciative and I couldn't be prouder! I now have my very own Chauffeur and he can use it for his new job which he starts in a couple of weeks!

My Auntie gave birth last month. Alfred George was welcomed into the world on 26th July and we couldn't be more in love with him. I have cried so many happy tears it is unreal and I can't wait to see him grow!

Since April I have been training for a Level 3 in Nail Technology and on Tuesday 8th I finished all assessments meaning I am now just waiting certification. Nails are something I have wanted to train in since leaving school but have never taken the jump! I have finally found something I love and can't wait to see where it takes me.

On that note, I quit my job. Yeah, I know, you're probably all thinking 'here we go again'. I have stuck out 1 year at my current full time job and I was finding myself not happy anymore. This is why as from Monday 21st I am (scarily) going Full Time Self Employed and putting my nail skills to the test! My partner has very kindly helped me set up our outhouse as a salon and I'm going to see if I can push myself and make it alone!

Last but by all means not least, I think I possibly have the most exciting news ever. Some of you may know if you follow me on social media but just in case it slipped through the net...
I'll leave you with a ring pic' for now and just let you know, yes I am already looking at planning and yes, I will be blogging about it.

Right, I think that's enough news for now. 7 months is a very long time to not fill people in on goss'.

As usual, let me know if you have any blog post ideas for me. I promise I will be for sure sticking this out this time and I already have lots of posts planned from nails to engagements/weddings. Until then, do you have any news to fill me in on?

Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way sponsored and all opinions and photographs are my own


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